⟁ Upcoming group healing EXPERIENCES ⟁

Details of any upcoming in person or online healing ceremonies can be found below:

  • 24.04 ⟁ FULL MOON HEALING JOURNEY ⟁ MARYLEBONE ⟁ 19.30-21.30


    Join me for a deeply transformative healing journey under the light of the Full Moon.

    During this ceremony, we will be working with the energy of the Full Moon to release anything no longer serving us, and to create space for any shifts that you are ready for.

    The session will start with a guided grounding meditation, followed by a 50 minute concious connected breathwork practice, incorporating some movement to support you in alchemising anything you're ready to.

    You will then be guided into stillness, bathed in Reiki & Sekhem healing energy, which will be amplified by the frequency and vibrations from Bella’s team of alchemy crystal singing bowls, planetary gong, crystal singing pyramids and shamanic flute medicine and bamboo chimes to enable healing on a cellular level.⁣

    No previous experience of any of these modalities is needed to attend, you will be lovingly held & supported throughout the session by me.